Why Choose IB?

The International Baccalaureate is a curriculum inspired by insights of some of the progressive educationists such as John Dewey, A.S Neill, Jean Piaget, and Jerome Bruner.

  • Focuses on skill development, understanding and application of knowledge rather than memorizing concepts
  • Enables children to become lifelong independent learners
  • Global collaboration facilitates international mindedness
  • Nurtures characteristics like curiosity and compassion.
  • Develops strong social and academic characteristics.
  • Better chances of being recruited by high-ranking universities worldwide
  • Since IB schools are all over the world, it becomes easier for students to adjust in schools if they change schools frequently.

Approaches to Learning

It is explicitly embedded into day-to-day learning experiences, so that students have opportunities to practice and incrementally develop their skills.

Thinking Skills

Identifying the problem, evaluating the data, considering multiple perspectives and suggesting possible solutions.

Self-management Skills

Setting challangeing goals, managing time and preparing for the unexpected helps in being organised.

Communication Skills

It includes Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing which helps in building presentation skills and self confidence.

Research Skills

Formulating questions, planning, collecting and interpreting data for presenting research findings.